Nuevas normas sobre empadronamiento: En el BOE del 02/05/2020 se publicó la Resolución de 17 de febrero de 2020, de la Presidencia del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y de la Dirección General de Cooperación Autonómica y Local, por la que se dictan instrucciones técnicas a los Ayuntamientos sobre la gestión del Padrón municipal. Estas disposiciones sustituyen a las de 2005 que regulaban …

Nuevas normas sobre empadronamiento: como afecta a los inmigrantes. Leer más »

We clarify the most common questions about the registration at the municipality in Spain (“empadronamiento”) 1- What is the municipal registration (“empadronamiento”)? As we explain in detail in our article “Register at the town hall: everything you need to know”, the registration is nothing more than a census, a record, which all municipalities (cities or towns) have for, basically, statistical purposes, of all …

12 solved doubts regarding the municipal registry in Spain Leer más »

Learn the details of one of the most important administrative procedures in Spain: register at the town hall. What is registering? Registration is registered in the Municipal Registry, that is, in the administrative register where the residents of a municipality are registered. Your data constitutes proof of residence in the municipality and of the habitual residence in it. The certifications issued from said …

Everything you need to know about registering at the town hall Leer más »