Detallamos el procedimiento para obtener un permiso de residencia y trabajo inicial para un extranjero en España Si un extranjero desea residir en España y trabajar por cuenta ajena (es decir, para un empleador español), es necesario que cuente con el correspondiente permiso de residencia y trabajo inicial, emitida por las autoridades españolas de Extranjería. Te explicamos a continuación todos los detalles para …

Procedimiento para tramitar un permiso de residencia y trabajo inicial Leer más »

We discuss the most important aspects of how to obtain a residence permit and work for others in this case. I often receive inquiries from people who have come to Spain as tourists or students and wish to stay here on a regular basis. They ask me if with a job offer from a company or employer based in Spain you can get …

Can I get a residence permit if they offer me a job? Leer más »

We explain some reasons why you can be denied the renewal of the residence permit and what to do in those cases. Many people are entrusted with having obtained an initial residence permit in Spain, forgetting that they must renew it every year. In fact, sometimes stricter requirements than at the beginning have to be met. That is why it is important that …

What to do if they deny the renewal of the residence permit in Spain Leer más »