Categorías: Nacionalidad

The 8 most common reasons for denying Spanish nationality by residence

Most of the applications for Spanish nationality for residence in 2014 have already been resolved. It is estimated that between 10 and 15% of these have been denied by the Ministry of Justice.

The most common reasons why they deny Spanish nationality by residence are those that we expose below.

Possess a criminal record in Spain or in the country of origin

As we know, it is a fundamental requirement not to have a criminal record. Although said antecedents should “disappear” after a time of serving the sentence, sometimes this does not happen.

For this reason, you must verify that they have been eliminated and, if not, expressly request it before submitting the application for Spanish nationality by residence (in case you had them).

Possess a police record in Spain

Although it is not a requirement expressly established by the nationality regulations, having a police record in Spain is considered by the government as a “civic misconduct”, which is a cause for express denial.

This background includes any report or police report in which you have been involved, even if the matter was filed and did not even reach the courts (for example, a discussion with neighbors, a local administrative infraction for consuming marijuana on public roads, etc.). ).

You also have the right to have the police records removed, after the corresponding procedure.

Present criminal records, from the country of origin, expired

This is one of the most common reasons why they deny Spanish nationality. There may be two situations, that the certificate indicates an expiration date or not. In the latter case, the Spanish regulations give a validity of six months to process the Spanish nationality by residence.

Not accrediting the residence time in Spain

As we know, it is an essential requirement to reside legally in Spain for a certain time in order to apply for Spanish nationality by residence.

This period of time depends on various circumstances: it is required, in general, 10 years; 5 years for those who have refugee status, 2 for citizens of Ibero-American countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Portugal, as well as for Jews of Sephardic origin. And a year for anyone born in Spain, people married to a Spaniard, or born outside Spain of parents or grandparents originally Spanish.

Confuse the stay with residence

On the one hand, the residence has to be legal. That is, the years that you have been in an irregular situation are not counted. But neither are those who are in a stay situation, that is, as a tourist or as a student.

In the case of students, it is common to make that mistake, especially because until 2012 the interpretation of some civil records was to compute the time of the study visa as legal residence. As of that year, this changed following a circular issued by the DGRN of the Ministry of Justice.

Interrupting the stay in Spain

In turn, the residence has to be continued. That does not mean that you can not have left Spain during the required time, if it is a sporadic trip or vacation.

But if you’ve been, for example, six months off, you’re likely to be denied citizenship.

The residence must be maintained during the processing period of the application.

Not being in a regular situation when granting citizenship

It is not enough to have a residence permit at the time of making the request, it must also be valid at the moment of the concession.

If the residence permit in Spain expires before you are granted citizenship, you must renew it in a timely manner. Otherwise, not only will you be denied the request, but you can be deported.

Do not pass the Spanish language exams (DELE) and the constitutional and sociocultural knowledge of Spain (CCSE)

The new regulation introduces this additional requirement, although in the case of the CCSE exam it is a positive change as it replaces the somewhat subjective examination that civil registrars did to the best of their knowledge and understanding, and that lent themselves to many unfair situations.

Read also: Who is exempt from the exams to obtain Spanish nationality?

These are the most common reasons why they deny Spanish nationality by residence. If for some or some of these reasons they have denied you, we remind you that you still have the option of filing a replacement appeal within a month or repeat the process, These actions should be evaluated with the advice of a lawyer specialized in immigration.

Rómulo Parra

Ver comentarios

    • Hola, Iván. Hay que tratar de cancelarla. De lo contrario es probable que te denieguen la nacionalidad. Si ya te la han negado para cuando la canceles, habría que intentar un recurso. El plazo para ello es de un mes desde que te notifiquen la denegación. Un saludo.

  • Buenas noches abogado, yo precente toda la documentación para la nacionalidad española en febrero del 2014 pero asta ahora no me resuelven. asta ahora sigue en tramite, q me recomienda usted. ? Gracias, un saludo! !

    • Hola, Marlene. Todavía están procesando los expedientes de 2014. Te recomendaría que siguieses teniendo paciencia y esperaras un poco más. Un saludo.

    • Hola, Jaime.
      No he visto hasta ahora un caso en el que lo hayan hecho. Si no hay otros motivos, sería exagerado que te la negaran por eso. Un saludo.

  • Hola abogado tengo ya un año y meses casada con un Español, puedo hacer ya el examen? Y otra pregunta y Ami me hay dicho que por derecho ya la tengo pero igual tengo que hacer el examen, tengo que precentar muchos papeles antecedentes penales y todo eso o solo mi partida de nacimiento???
    Gracias abogado un saludo y que Dios lo bendiga

  • hola Dr yo quisier saber k pasa con las personas k se fueron a su pais por razones personales y no renovaron la tarjeta de residencia y trabajo y se caduco hay posibilidad de actualizarla estando en mi pais Bolivia

    • Hola, María. Si ya tenías residencia de laraga duración, sí puedes renovarla. De lo contrario tienes que "empezar de cero", como si fuera una petición inicial. Un saludo.

  • Hola, sr. Abogado
    Mi pareja que Es chileno estaba de pareja de echo con otra pareja española, eso ya hace 4 años, la pregunta, puede solicitar la nacionalidad si no cumplió el tiempo o convivencia en empadronamiento por causas justificadas. Y aún sigue el nombre de la ex en su nie comunitario? Ya va a cumplir 5 años de Nie comunitario....Un saludo

    • Hola, Lizbeth. Tendría que revisar el caso en detalle para darte una respuesta adecuada. Mis datos de contacto están en la web. Tendríamos que tener una consulta extensa. Un saludo.

  • hola sr. abogado:
    mi pregunta es si contrato un abogado para tramitar la nacionalidad me saldría la resolución más rápida que si lo hago yo misma.

    • Hola, Lili. Con la asesoría de un abogado tendrá menos posibilidades de que le nieguen la solicitud por no presentar todos los documentos necesarios, o presentarlos incorrectamente, por ejemplo. Además tendrá asesoría en relación a todos los pasos.
      Un saludo.

  • Buenas tengo una amigo que en una oportunidad adquirió una penalización con una compañía de teléfono está próximo a solicitar la nacionalidad y no sabes si eso le puede afectar.gracias

  • hola sra abogado una pregunta yo metí los papeles el 15 de diciembre del 2015 en el registro de San feliu y hasta ahora no he recibido respuesta de nada ni número de expediente quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar y mi tarjeta nie se me vence el 23 de marzo será que eso me afecta lo de la nacionalidad

    • Hola, Aracely. Hasta ahora están decidiendo los expedientes de comienzos del 2015. Le sugiero que vaya reuniendo los requisitos para renovar el permiso de residencia, pues de lo contrario afectaría su caso. Un saludo.