Categorías: Viajar a España

The invitation letter: everything you need to know

We explain in detail the requirements and characteristics of the invitation letter to come to Spain as a tourist

What is the invitation letter

One of the requirements that must be met by any foreigner traveling to Spain as a tourist without a visa, in addition to the round trip and economic resources for their maintenance, is to have accommodation during your stay.

This is demonstrated in two ways:

1- With the confirmed reservation of a lodging establishment (hotel, motel, hostel, etc.). OR
2- With a letter of invitation, which is the formal declaration of a Spaniard or a foreigner who is legally resident in Spain. In this letter, he / she commits to provide the guest with lodging during their stay in the country. To be valid, it must be approved by the immigration authorities, in this case by the National Police.

Where and how the invitation letter is processed

It must be requested before the Police Station of the place where the person signing the letter of invitation resides. In several populations (such as Barcelona, for example), a prior appointment must be made. This request is made in a form expressly indicated for it, which you can download here.

What documents accompany the invitation letter request

1- DNI or NIE of the person resident in Spain who invites, that is, who offers the accommodation to the tourist. On the other hand, you have to place the guest’s information in the application (including your passport number). However, there is no need to attach a copy of this last document, but be sure that it will be the one that the visitor will present upon arrival in Spain.

2- Title of property, lease agreement or any other document that demonstrates the right that the person inviting has over the dwelling where the guest will be staying. This housing does not necessarily have to be the habitual residence of the one who invites.

In practice, the official who processes the documentation will check whether the apartment or house has a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate the visitor. Thus, if the house has a single bedroom, and 4 people already live there, it could be denied authorization. However, they tend to be flexible.

3- Payment of fees. The forms are delivered by the Police at the moment you submit the application. They are 72.12 euros for the processing, and 6.30 euros for the issuance of the letter. If several people are invited (a couple, or a family), in principle they should only charge 72.12 euros for processing regardless of the number of guests. Plus 6.30 euros for each guest for the issuance of the letter.

What happens if I am denied the invitation letter

You can try an administrative appeal, appeal, within the month following the notification of the refusal. In some cases it is worth it, if some document was missing, for example. In other cases, it is better to look for another alternative.

Risks for the person who invites

When they grant the invitation letter, they include a serious warning to the person who made the request. They indicate that if the guest stays in Spain in an irregular situation, the one who invites may incur a crime or a serious administrative infraction.


With regard to the alleged crime, they cite article 318 bis of the Criminal Code, which states:

“Whoever directly or indirectly promotes, favors or facilitates illegal trafficking or illegal immigration of persons from, in transit or to Spain, or to another country of the European Union, shall be punished with a penalty of four to eight years in prison. ”

We are of the opinion that this article is not applicable to the case of an invitation letter. In effect, there is no “illegal trafficking” of people or “clandestine immigration” here. The penal sanction in this case is aimed at people who are dedicated, for profit, to introduce foreigners illegally into the country. We repeat, this situation does not occur in this case.

Administrative infraction

It could be a serious administrative infraction. Article 53.2.c of the Organic Law 4/2000, of January 11, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration (the so-called Immigration Law), sanctions:

“Promote the irregular stay in Spain of a foreigner, when his legal entry has had an express invitation from the offender and continue to be in his charge once the period of time allowed by his visa or authorization has elapsed. To graduate the sanction will be taken into account the personal and family circumstances concurrent. ”

The penalty is this case is a fine of between 501 to 10,000 euros.

However, if the guest stays in Spain in an irregular situation, but does not “remain in charge” of the one who invites, for example, does not continue residing in his home, we could affirm that the application of the sanction would not proceed either.

Nor would the penalty for a very serious breach of article 54.1.b of the aforementioned law, which also refers to trafficking in persons for profit.

The invitation letter: some final tips

The processing of the letter of invitation, from the request for prior appointment, to obtaining it, can take up to 3 months. Therefore, we recommend that you complete this procedure well in advance.

It is convenient that you bear in mind, in addition, that the invitation letter must be presented by the tourist upon arrival, if it is required. So you’ll have to send it to her, previously.

Rómulo Parra

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  • Yo soy de Bolivia y quiero traer a mi hijo de 21 años a pasar las vacaciones y mi jefa hará la carta de invitación quiera saber cuanto cuesta el visado ahora para poder traer a mi hijo

    • Hola, Javier.
      Si viene como turista, aunque esté dentro de los 90 días, no tiene autorización para trabajar. Si lo hace está comentiendo una infracción administrativa. El que invita no se ve involucrado mientras no sea quien le ha dado el trabajo.

  • Hola... me gustaría que explicará que pasa con un hijo de comunitario menor de 21 que entra con carta de invitación si se queda y luego de los 90 días aún no se ha podido tramitar su residencia... Hay alguna sanción? Saludos

      • Hola queciera saber si yo traigo a mi hijo de 29 años con invitación puedo ase la tarjeta comunitaria
        Y otra pregunta más y si traigo a mi hija con sus tres hijos puedo a ser la comunitaria y que pasria como los niños me gustaría sAber muchas gracias

        • Hola, María. Es muy difícil que puedas tramitarle la tarjeta de familiar comunitario a tu hijo de 29 años (entiendo que tú eres comunitaria pero él no), a menos que pruebes que está a tu cargo desde hace algún tiempo (uno o dos años). Un saludo.

  • Soy rumana y mi esposo venezolano. Yo puedo residir en España por ser comunitaria pero puedo pedir residencia para el si el acta de matrimonio venezolana?

    • Hola, Belkys. Sí, pero debes solicitar el registro del matrimonio en España. Eso puedes hacerlo a través del consulado de España en Venezuela, o en el Registro Civil central español (puedes en este caso presentar la solicitud directamente a dicho registro o a través del de la localidad donde fijen su residencia en España). Un saludo.

  • Hola.. me gustaría saber si viajó con mi pareja q es ciudadano español y nuestra hija con carta de invitación y luego decidimos quedarnos! Hay alguna sanción para el q emite la carta? Gracias

    • Hola, Marisa. Si tu pareja es español y ustedes son pareja de hecho, el tiene derecho a solicitar para ustedes una tarjeta de residencia de familiar comunitario. Un saludo.

  • Si yo deseara viajar a España como turista, pero no conozco a nadie. Como hago con la carta de invitación? Porque no tendria quien me la otorgara.

    • Hola, Lisbeth. Si tienes una reserva de hotel confirmada y pagada, y cumples los demás requisitos (pasaje de regreso y dinero en efectivo), no tienes problema. Un saludo.

  • Buenos días , he tramitado la carta de invitación y me la han dado sin problemas , no me había dado Cuenta que en el apellido materno de mi abuelo falta la primera letra , inmediatamente llame a la policia y me dijeron que no importa por qué ellos tienen los datos en el puesto fronterizo y que lo importante es el
    Número de pasaporte ... lo que sucede que ellos han comprado el vuelo pero su escala es en amsterdam no en Madrid que es dondd la policia española tiene esos datos supuestamente .. Tendran algún problema por esto ? ... Gracias

    • Hola, César. No debería haber problema, es evidente que se trata de un error mecanográfico. Si el número de pasaporte coincide, no tienen por qué poner problema. Un saludo.

  • Hola en unos meses viene mi madre por dos meses por carta invitación pero lo que quiero es regaruparla ,la pregunta es puede traer mi madre documentos de parentesco y poder hacer desde aquí(valencia) la reagrupación, ella tiene 54 años es viuda y soy prácticamente su única hija de la unión con mi padre ya que tiene un hijo anterior a mi padre pero con problemas de adicción y no aporta nada en ayudar a mi madre,que puedo hacer para regruparla , espero su respuesta, muy agradecido