On 1/4/2017, the Registry of Stable Couples of Catalonia began to operate, which is very important in order to obtain, for example, the community family card in certain cases. We explain in detail all its characteristics. What is a stable couple According to the Catalan Civil Code, a stable couple is one where there is a community of life analogous to marriage by …

Register of Stable Couples of Catalonia: everything you need to know Leer más »

We discuss the most important aspects of how to obtain a residence permit and work for others in this case. I often receive inquiries from people who have come to Spain as tourists or students and wish to stay here on a regular basis. They ask me if with a job offer from a company or employer based in Spain you can get …

Can I get a residence permit if they offer me a job? Leer más »

The vast majority of mortgage loan contracts in Spain contain the so-called ground clause, declared abusive by the Court of Justice of the European Union. If this is your case, you can claim your return from the bank, even if you have already paid off the mortgage. Here’s how. Clause ground: everything starts with the euribor To understand what the floor clause is, …

Mortgage floor clause: what it is and how to claim the bank Leer más »

The term black work is often used in different contexts. We explain below what it is and what are its effects. Work in black: what is it Also known as working in B, and as the characteristic element of the so-called submerged economy, work in black means, in the case of an employment relationship (in which there is an employer and a worker) …

Work in black: what it is and what are its risks Leer más »