Categorías: Permisos de residencia

What to do if they deny the renewal of the residence permit in Spain

We explain some reasons why you can be denied the renewal of the residence permit and what to do in those cases.

Many people are entrusted with having obtained an initial residence permit in Spain, forgetting that they must renew it every year. In fact, sometimes stricter requirements than at the beginning have to be met. That is why it is important that you know what to do if you deny the renewal of the residence permit in Spain.

Reasons why you can refuse the renewal of the residence permit

In order to renew the permit, you must first comply with the requirements that were required for the initial concession. This includes accompanying a whole series of documents, including the current passport. Also, show that the substantial conditions for which they granted you are still valid.
For example, if it is a non-profit residence permit, you still have enough income to support you.

If it is a residence and work permit, that you continue working. If you are unemployed for reasons that are not attributable to you, that you worked a certain time (depends on the case) and that you enjoy the unemployment benefit.

But there are also new conditions that you must demonstrate. One of them is that you do not have a criminal record in Spain. The cases that I have seen in my professional practice refer to second renewals, when the person already has three or more years living in the country and has committed some crime (usually mild).

The police record is also taken into account. In fact, I have had clients who have been denied renewal for this reason. As well as the fulfillment of your obligations with the Tax Agency and Social Security.

What to do if you deny the renewal of the residence permit in Spain: resources

The first thing I recommend to my clients is preventive work. Be sure before submitting the renewal application, which can accompany all the documents and that the requirements are met. Thus, if this is the case, expressly request the cancellation of the criminal record before requesting the renewal of the residence permit.

Also request a record of police records (if one appears, try to solve it, so that they eliminate it). And require the Social Security and the Tax Agency the respective certificates that you are up to date with those obligations. This way, if any debt or infraction appears, you would have the possibility of paying it.
It goes without saying that this preventive work is more effective if you have the support of a lawyer specializing in Immigration, because each specific case requires different requirements.

The second thing is, if you have already been denied renewal, try an administrative remedy, specifically the so-called appeal, for which you have a period of one month from when you are notified of the denial. Although the tendency is for the Administration to ratify the act, you have options to grant the renewal through this channel, if what you were missing was presenting a document, or if there was an error in fact.

You can also try a contentious-administrative appeal before a court of said jurisdiction. You can do it directly against the initial denial, but if you have already tried an appeal, you must wait until it has been resolved expressly or presumed. The submission period is two months.

Personally, I recommend trying the appeal first and then the contentious-administrative, but ultimately it will depend on each case in particular.

What to do if you deny the renewal of the residence permit in Spain: an important council

Unfortunately, some people get discouraged when they are denied renewal. They simply do not do anything next, either because they think it is not worth it or that it can be expensive.

My experience is that the Administration knows this and denies renewals against the criteria of the contentious-administrative courts. They do so because they are aware that a small percentage of those affected will go to court.

The truth is that a large number of contentious-administrative appeals are declared in favor of the foreign citizen. And the fees of the lawyers, especially those of us who are dedicated to this matter, are quite reasonable. And they are fully justified by the results. Therefore my recommendation when you ask what to do if you deny the renewal of the residence permit: you must submit a resource. Do not give up!

Rómulo Parra

Ver comentarios

  • Mi hijo llegó a España a los 4 años, tenía, la tarjeta comunitaria, hasta los 21 años. Denegaron la nacionalidad, por no estudiar, ni trabajar, su padre intentó justificar que estaba a su cargo, empadronado siempre con él, aún así denegaron. Quizás sea mejor empezar con su primera tarjeta??. Se podrá hacer algo May para que reconozcan su antigua tarjeta??. Gracias.

  • doctor buenos días que se puedes hacer yo tengo permiso de trabajo y residencia y lo tengo vencido hace 8 años eso se puede volver a recuperar gracias

    • Hola, Jhonny. Ya ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que caducó tu permiso. Para obtener uno nuevo tendrías que hacer los trámites desde el principio, como uno inicial.
      Un saludo.

  • BUENAS TARDES,DENEGARON MI RENOVACION, tengo el permiso de residencia y trabajo por cuenta propia (me la otorgaron como autónomo por ser accionista de una pequeña empresa familiar. Aunque yo no hago facturas) Según la resolución es NO FAVORABLE por tener deuda con la Seguridad Social.Ya he realizado pagos pero para presentar el recurso de alzada tengo que pagar toda la deuda? Desde cuando se hace efectivo el plazo de un mes? desde la fecha de la notificación ? o desde la fecha que me la entregaron? Muchas gracias por su respuesta.

    • Hola, Johana. El plazo de un mes es desde el día en que efectivamente te hicieron la notificación, no la fecha de la resolución.
      si no pagas toda la deuda, tienes que llegar a un acuerdo escrito con la Seguridad social para pagar a plazos. tienes que ir personalmente y negociar. Un saludo.

  • Quiero saber si puedo volver a tener la tarjeta de residencia hace 5años me vine de España viví 11 años allá tengo dos hijos gemelos nacidos en Barcelona ellos viven allá con su mama me gustaría volver ya que me hace mucha falta gracias por su colaboración

  • Hola buenas queria saber no tengo papeles llevo 4 años en españa y meti los papeles para ortener lmi primera tarjeta tengo unos antecendente por conducir sin permiso de ese caso.ya llevo dos año y cuando ya lo recurrido nos veces y me siguen denegando lo acaso de llevar a juzgado contencioso

  • Hola yo soy colombiana y me voy a España por primera ves y quiero sabes q hago para gestionar mis papeles allí si hay alguna posibilidad