We comment on examples of cases in which a child of foreign parents possesses Spanish nationality, depending on what is established by the legislation of the parents. As we mentioned in a previous article, although in principle only Spaniards of origin are children of Spaniards, there are some exceptions, in which a child of foreigners born in Spain can also be Spanish of …

When is spanish a son of foreigners born in Spain? Leer más »

Tener antecedentes es uno de los motivos más comunes por los que deniegan la nacionalidad española por residencia.

Most of the applications for Spanish nationality for residence in 2014 have already been resolved. It is estimated that between 10 and 15% of these have been denied by the Ministry of Justice. The most common reasons why they deny Spanish nationality by residence are those that we expose below. Possess a criminal record in Spain or in the country of origin As …

The 8 most common reasons for denying Spanish nationality by residence Leer más »